The APSAD R4 standard defines design, installation and maintenance requirements to ensure the quality of portable and mobile extinguisher installations.
Highway code

Arrêté du 2 mars 1995 relatif à l'équipement en extincteurs des véhicules de transport de marchandises (Decree of March 2, 1995 on fire extinguisher equipment for goods transport vehicles)
Article 1
Vehicles intended for registration in France in the following categories must be fitted with at least one ABC powder extinguisher with a capacity of at least 2 kilograms,
Order concerning fixed installations

Article 20
In boiler rooms using solid or liquid fuels, a sand deposit of at least 0.10 cubic meters and a shovel, as well as portable extinguishers for fires of at least class 34 B 1 or B 2, must be kept in an easily accessible place in the immediate vicinity of the door,
Order laying down the technical rules

Article 93
Fire fighting.
Fire extinguishers for installations using the petroleum products referred to in Article 1 must be type B1.
Code de la construction et de l'habitation

Explore the obligations of the French Building Code (Code de la Construction et de l'Habitation) in terms of fire safety.
Legislation and regulations: ERP

Article MS 38
Modified by Arrêté du 26 juin 2008 - art. 2, v. init.
§ 1 Establishments must be equipped with extinguishing systems such as :
Order of November 4, 1993

Article 10 Find out more about this article...
Fire-fighting equipment must be identified by the coloring of the equipment and by a location sign or by the coloring of the sites or accesses to the sites in which they are located.
Code du travail Extinction range

Article R4227-28
Created by Decree no. 2008-244 of March 7, 2008 - art. (V)
Employers must take all necessary steps to ensure that any fire can be fought quickly and effectively, in the interests of rescuing workers.