Audit / Consulting / Support
Safety commission preparation, Fire vulnerability and evacuation study...
Occupational risk prevention
Electrical clearance, First aid, Gestures and postures...
Fire training
Mobile units, ecological generator, Virtual Reality, technical training...
Certifications and approvals

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Fire safety training (extinguishers, PPE, evacuation, etc.)
We can advise and support you in your safety initiatives, offering conventional or customized training in risk prevention and fire-fighting.
Our level of expertise is in line with our ISO 9001 quality approach and our commitment to training. Recognized as a training organization for the safety of people and property, we are also S.S.T. certified and S.S.I.A.P. approved.
We have a large fleet of vehicles at your disposal, including light vehicles, U.M.L. (Unité Mobile Légère) and C.A.P.S.I. (Centre d'Apprenance et de Perfectionnement à la Sécurité Incendie), enablingour trainers to operate throughout France.
Regulatory references
Art.R4227-28 :
The employer shall take the necessary measures to ensure that any fire can be quickly and effectively
tackled in the interests of rescuing workers.
Art. R4227-39 :
The fire safety instructions provide for periodic testing and inspection of equipment, and for drills during which workers learn to recognize the characteristics of the general alarm signal, to locate and use secure waiting areas or
equivalent spaces, to use first-aid equipment and to perform the various maneuvers required.
These drills and periodic tests take place at least every six months. Their dates and any observations to which they may have given rise are recorded in a register kept at the disposal of the Labour Inspectorate.
The consolidated decree of May 2, 2005 specifies the missions of the fire safety department, the conditions of employment and the qualifications of the personnel who make it up. Fire safety service personnel working in accordance with this decree must undergo a three-yearly refresher course in fire safety organized by a training center.
Art. R4227-28 ERP type J regulations / Article J39 Exercises :
§ 1 All personnel in the establishment must be warned of the dangers
presented by a fire, and be informed of very precise instructions for
limiting the action of the fire and ensuring the evacuation of the public.
§ 2 Practical drills, the purpose of which is to instruct personnel in how to behave in the event of a fire, must take place at least once every six months.
Second Response Teams receive practical training, focusing in particular on:
- Knowledge and use of their personal protective equipment;
- Knowledge and operation of the fire protection and fire-fighting equipment available to the facility, and intended for use by First Response Teams.
First-response team members (PPE)
First-response team members are selected according to work sequences and premises configuration. They are grouped by geographical area and work sequence, in teams designated on the instruction panels and safety register.
Training made mandatory by the following articles: NF S61 -933
Règles APSAD R7 relatives au SSI
Réglements de Sécurité, article MS 57 :
§ 1. Detection systems require the presence of permanent, qualified personnel in the establishments concerned while the public is present, ...
APSAD R5 Standard: Article 3.1
The operator is responsible for training at least 2 people, who are in charge of operating and monitoring the installation on a quarterly basis.
If one of the 2 people leaves the company, or if a person's assignment changes, the operator is responsible for training another person.
CHAP 2.4.2 Training evacuation and/or containment officers
In order to bring people to safety, the employer appoints and trains, as required, a team of evacuation and/or containment officers, which may include:
- guide-files, whose job is to direct a group of people to the place of safety (assembly point or containment area),
- guide-guards, whose job is to close the march, prevent any backtracking and check that no-one remains in the area to be evacuated.
It is recommended that evacuation and/or containment officers be trained to perform both duties (guide and guide-holder).
CHAP 2.4.3 Fire-fighting training
Fire-fighting training for all personnel must be both theoretical and practical. This training may be provided by the company's own resources, or through a service provider. In all cases, the employer must ensure the competence of the trainer.
CHAP 3.3.2 Human resources for coordinated evacuation
To ensure the coordinated evacuation of people, the facility appoints and trains a team consisting of an evacuation and/or containment coordinator and evacuation officers.
Specific resources are dedicated to this mission: appropriate means of communication, high-visibility chasubles or armbands for personnel dedicated to evacuation or containment, personnel lists, megaphones (if the number of people to be evacuated is large).
CHAP 3.4.1 Human resources for coordinated response
All plant personnel have a specific role to play in the response function, by implementing the first actions detailed in chapter 2.
The human resources involved in coordinated intervention include:
- an intervention team leader;
- one or more intervention teams designated to:
- protect people,
- fight a fire effectively, in support of the witness(es) who sounded the alarm (or even started the fire extinguishing process
- prepare the fire department's intervention.
It should be noted that the profiles and technical skills of these intervention teams are consistent with the intervention strategies, particularly with regard to staffing levels, personal protective equipment and extinguishing resources.
CHAP The intervention team leader
- directs and coordinates the various interventions as part of the intervention strategy (in accordance with the guidelines set out above);
- ensures implementation of applicable special and particular instructions, particularly with regard to the reception of emergency services, actions on
compartmentalization, smoke extraction, energy cut-off, etc.
CHAP First-response teams (PPE)
First-response teams are selected according to work sequences and premises configuration. They are grouped by
geographical area and by work sequence, in teams designated on the instruction panels and the safety register.
CHAP Second intervention team members (ESI)
Second intervention team members are selected taking into account the nature of the risks, the work sequences and the configuration of the premises.
They are grouped into teams and designated on the instructions and safety register.
CHAP Technical intervention team members (EIT)
Technical intervention team members are responsible for shutting down and/or ensuring the safety of energy and fluids (electricity, gas,
heating, ventilation, hydraulic networks, machine shutdowns, etc.). They can also monitor the proper operation of fixed
fire protection systems (without exposure to the effects of fire). If necessary, EITs must have the necessary clearance and/or authorization
. They carry out their tasks under the responsibility of the intervention team leader. These people,
unless otherwise specified by the company, are not intended to carry out extinguishing operations.
CHAP Technical intervention team members in the special case of sites equipped with automatic extinguishing systems
For sites equipped with automatic extinguishing systems (automatic water, gas or foam extinguishing systems), the requirements to guarantee their
operating efficiency must be implemented at the same time as the intervention missions are carried out.
For example, on sites equipped with a sprinkler system, a technical intervention team member
is appointed to go to the source area to check and monitor that the system is working properly.
CHAP Refresher training for intervention team members
Refresher training concerns PPE, ESI, EIT and intervention team leaders. It consists in organizing practical training sessions in real-life situations
(with exercises on real-fuel fires for PPE and IMTs), at least once a year.
The pedagogical objective is to develop experience and reduce apprehension with regard to intervention.
For response team members skilled in dealing with leaks and spills of hazardous products, refresher training consists in
organizing practical training sessions in real-life situations at least once a year. This refresher training can be shared with fire-fighting refresher training
by varying the types of practical situations covered in the training program.
CHAP 3.4.3 Fire safety organization drills and tests
In addition to the training sessions, a fire safety organization drills and tests program is implemented.
Article L123-2:
Decrees may require owners, builders and operators of buildings and establishments open to the public to take safety and security measures, and to provide evacuation and fire-fighting facilities. These measures must take into account the particular needs of disabled people or those with reduced mobility.
Article PE 27:
Staff must be instructed in how to behave in the event of fire, and trained in the use of emergency equipment.
Article MS 51:
Staff training exercises must be organized under the responsibility of the operator. The date of these drills must be recorded in the establishment's safety register
Article GH 60:
The owner must:
1) As soon as any finishing work begins, set up a permanent fire safety and personal assistance service, as well as rescue resources appropriate to the risks to be combated.
2) At least once a year, in buildings covered by article R.122-17 of the French construction and housing code, organize an evacuation drill in each compartment. of the French Construction and Housing Code, an evacuation drill for each compartment, with safety functions activated after an automatic fire detector has been activated in
a common horizontal circulation.
3) Provides for the first and second phase evacuation of the building, and for drills to be carried out. The owner draws up an evacuation plan and makes it available to the safety commission. Details of how disabled people are to be cared for are included in this memo. Similarly, a note defining the procedures for carrying out a general evacuation of the building is drawn up.
4) Draws up and posts fire instructions and evacuation plans in common horizontal corridors near stairwell and elevator entrances.
5) Informs occupants of the conditions under which the building is protected against fire, and reminds them of the importance of complying with the various safety provisions. In particular, the owner must attach to the deeds of sale and rental contracts a notice setting out the obligations of occupants, in particular those resulting from the provisions of articles R. 122-7 and R.122-18 of the French Construction and Housing Code and article GH64.
Audit / Consulting / Support
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Regulatory references
Art.R4227-28 :
Version in force since May 01, 2008 Creation decree n°2008-244 of March 7, 2008 - art (V). Employers must take all necessary steps to ensure that any fire can be quickly and effectively
extinguished in the interests of worker safety.
Art. R4227-39 :
In other establishments, instructions are drawn up to ensure the evacuation of people present on the premises under the conditions set out in 1° of article R.4216-2.
Article R*123-44 :
The minutes and reports of the verifications provided for in the previous article are made available to members of the safety commissions. They are communicated to the mayor.
The mayor, after consulting the relevant safety commission, may impose additional tests and checks.
Article R*123-46 :
The mayor authorizes the opening by decree after consulting the commission.
Occupational risk prevention
Occupational risk prevention is the set of measures implemented to protect employee health and safety, improve working conditions and promote well-being in the workplace.
Regulatory references
Art. L4121-1 :
"The employer shall take the necessary measures to ensure the safety and protect the physical and mental health of workers. These measures include :
1. Occupational risk prevention actions,
2. Information and training initiatives,
3. Setting up an appropriate organization and resources,
The employer shall ensure that these measures are adapted to take account of changing circumstances and aim to improve existing situations, with a general obligation to provide information and training".
Art. L4141-1 :
"The employer organizes and provides information to workers on health and safety risks and the measures taken to remedy them. It shall also organize and provide information to workers on the risks to public health or the environment posed by the products or manufacturing processes used or implemented by the establishment, and on the measures taken to remedy them."
Art. R4141-2 :
"The employer informs workers of the risks to their health and safety in a way that can be understood by everyone. This information, together with safety training, shall be provided on recruitment and whenever necessary."
Art. R4141-13 :
"The purpose of safety training relating to working conditions is to teach workers about the risks to which they are exposed:
1° The safest behaviours and gestures, using demonstrations where possible;
2° Operating procedures adopted if they have an impact on his safety or that of other workers;
3° The operation of protection and emergency devices and the reasons for their use.
Art. R4224-15 :
"A member of staff is trained as a first-aider to provide first aid in an emergency:
1° Each workshop where dangerous work is performed
2° Every worksite employing at least twenty workers for more than a fortnight, where dangerous work is carried out. Workers trained in this way cannot replace nurses.
Art. R4541-8 :
Employers must ensure that workers whose work involves manual handling :
1° Information on the risks they incur when activities are not performed in a technically correct manner, taking into account the individual risk factors defined by the order provided for in Article R.4541-6 ;
2° Adequate safety training for these operations. During this training, which is essentially practical in nature, workers are informed of the gestures and postures to adopt in order to carry out manual handling operations safely.
Article R4542-16
The employer provides information and training for workers on how to use the screen and the work equipment into which it is integrated. Each worker receives such training before being assigned to work with a visual display screen for the first time, and whenever the organization of the workstation is substantially modified.
Article R4412-38
The employer ensures that employees and the social and economic committee :
1° Receive information in appropriate and periodically updated form on hazardous chemical agents in the workplace, such as their names, the health and safety risks they entail and, where applicable, the occupational exposure limit values and biological limit values applicable to them;
2° Has access to the safety data sheets provided by the chemical agent supplier;
3° Receive training and information on the precautions to be taken to protect themselves and other workers in the workplace. In particular, they are made aware of instructions relating to hygiene measures to be observed and the use of protective equipment.
When workers carry out operations on electrical installations or in their vicinity, the employer must implement the requirements of Articles R. 4544-1 to R. 4544-11, making it mandatory for personnel to be trained and empowered.
Standard NF C 18-510 is recommended by the arrété of November 20, 2017, in accordance with Article R. 4544-3 of the French Labor Code.
Article R4544-10
A worker is empowered within the limits of the responsibilities entrusted to him/her. The authorization, issued by the employer, specifies the nature of the operations the worker is authorized to carry out. Before issuing the authorization, the employer ensures that the worker has received theoretical and practical training to ensure that he or she is aware of the risks associated with electricity, and of the measures to be taken to intervene safely when carrying out the operations entrusted to him or her.
The employer issues, maintains or renews the clearance in accordance with the procedures contained in the standards referred to in Article R. 4544-3.
The NF C 18-550 standard is recommended by the decree of November 20, 2017, in accordance with Article R. 4544-3 of the French Labor Code.
Article R4323-58 to 90 and decree of September 1, 2004
Article R4323-106
The employer shall provide workers required to use personal protective equipment with appropriate training, including, where necessary, practice in the use of such equipment.
This training shall be repeated as often as necessary to ensure that the equipment is used in accordance with the instructions for use.
R 4323-99 :
The "arrêté du 19 mars 1993" (order of March 19, 1993) specifies the personal protective equipment and categories of personal protective equipment (harnesses, lanyards and accessories) for which the employer must carry out or have carried out periodic general inspections (every 12 months).
R 4323-100 :
Periodic checks are carried out by qualified personnel, who may or may not belong to the plant....
In line with the recommendations made by the occupational injuries branch, the French Social Security Code explicitly requires the presence of a first-aid attendant at work (SST) as one of the conditions for authorizing a company to keep a register of minor accidents at work, which, under certain conditions, replaces the register of accidents at work that do not result in sick leave or medical treatment.
Decree of May 04 2007, anyone is authorized to use automated external defibrillators (AEDs).
Recommendation R.447, adopted by CTN-C du transport, de l'eau, du gaz, de l'électricité, du livre et de la communication at its meeting of June 25, 2009.
- For CATEC®, Recommendation R.472, adopted by CTN-C in November 2012 in the field
de l'eau potable et de l'assainissement.
" The employer must ensure that each worker to whom he has given permission to enter
confined spaces has received adequate training."
Your questions
Which premises should be equipped with a water extinguisher?
Water extinguishers are preferred in the following environments:
Offices, shops, restaurants, homes, hotels, warehouses without particularly flammable materials.
Our water-spray extinguishers with plant additives can be used in a wider range of environments than conventional AFFFs: kitchens (class F), hospitals, food processing, schools, cold rooms (suitable for positive cold from 0°C to 5°C)...
For extreme environments, Eurofeu has developed an adapted range of devices: coastal areas, oil rigs, medical equipment, etc.
How much fire training is mandatory?
In France, regulations require employers to provide fire training to their employees on a regular basis. Although the regulations do not specify an exact frequency for this training, we generally recommend an update every one or two years. However, this frequency may vary depending on a number of factors, including :
Type of business: Businesses with higher fire risks, such as industrial sites or warehouses, may require more frequent training.
Size of facility: Large companies with a large number of employees may require more frequent training sessions to ensure that all employees are properly trained.
Specific risks: Companies where specific risks are present, such as those associated with flammable chemicals, may require more frequent and specialized training.
Changes in the company: Any significant change in the company, such as the introduction of new equipment, changes in work procedures or renovations to the premises, may require fire training to be updated.
Is epi training mandatory?
In France, PPE (Equipier de Première Intervention) training is not mandatory in all cases. However, in many work environments, particularly in companies and establishments where fire hazards are present, PPE training is strongly recommended every 12 months.
PPE training is designed to train employees to intervene effectively and safely in the event of fire or other emergency situations. It generally covers topics such as the use of fire extinguishers, evacuation techniques, handling fire-fighting equipment, first aid, etc.
The need for PPE training often depends on the specific risks present in the working environment, and the employer's legal obligations in terms of occupational health and safety. In many cases, employers are required by regulation to ensure that their employees receive adequate training to deal with fire and other workplace hazards.
Therefore, although PPE training is not always mandatory in all cases, it is strongly recommended to ensure employee safety and compliance with occupational health and safety regulations. Employers are advised to assess the risks present in their working environment and provide appropriate PPE training in line with these risks.
Which premises should be equipped with a water extinguisher?
Water extinguishers are preferred in the following environments:
Offices, shops, restaurants, homes, hotels, warehouses without particularly flammable materials.
Our water-spray extinguishers with plant additives can be used in a wider range of environments than conventional AFFFs: kitchens (class F), hospitals, food processing, schools, cold rooms (suitable for positive cold from 0°C to 5°C)...
For extreme environments, Eurofeu has developed an adapted range of devices: coastal areas, oil rigs, medical equipment, etc.
Who can be a fire trainer?
Wherever they come from, Eurofeu trainers are selected on the basis of their expertise, experience and ability to pass on fire safety knowledge effectively. They are also required to keep abreast of the latest regulations and standards in the fire safety field to ensure high-quality, up-to-date training.
What fire training is compulsory for all staff?
In France, regulations require that all company personnel, whatever their level of responsibility, receive basic fire safety training. This training, also known as fire awareness training or basic fire training, is mandatory and aims to make employees aware of fire risks and teach them basic prevention and intervention measures.
Basic fire safety training generally includes the following elements:
Fire risk awareness: Employees are made aware of the different types of fire risk they could face in their working environment.
Use of extinguishers: Employees learn to recognize the different types of extinguishers and how to use them correctly in the event of a fire.
Evacuation procedures: Employees are trained in fire evacuation procedures, including evacuation routes, assembly points and roles assigned during an evacuation.
Behavior in the event of fire: Employees learn how to behave in the event of fire, such as alerting emergency services, warning colleagues and following safety instructions.
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Our services
Recognized training
What is it?
Datadock is a unique database on professional training from a quality perspective. It enables professional training funders to check the compliance of training organizations with the 6 quality criteria defined by law.
Eurofeu Services has been recognized as a quality training organization by being Datadocked since 2017. This means that the training department is able to meet the Law's two objectives: to improve the transparency of the training offer and to encourage a gradual increase in the quality of training actions.
Declaration of activity N°24280150928, this number does not imply state approval - is registered in Datadock under n°0010852
Our expertise
Your trust is our reward:
We advise and support you in your safety initiatives, offering both conventional and customized training in risk prevention and fire-fighting.
Our level of competence is in line with our ISO 9001 quality approach and our commitment to pedagogy. Recognized as a training organization for the safety of people and property, we are also S.S.T. certified.
Proximity and responsiveness:
We have a large fleet of over 14 vehicles at your disposal, including U.M.L. and C.A.P.S.I. vehicles, enabling our trainers to operate throughout France.
A team at your service:
- An administrative and logistics platform,
- Technical advisors,
- Training sales animators,
- In a secure environment, our qualified and experienced trainers provide you with skills in a fun and professional way.
Light vehicle
An in-company formula:
Theoretical training in the workplace and a practical outdoor area for the use of teaching tools.
Product advantages :
- Provides mandatory training in the French Labor Code.
- Suitable for all types of business.
Learning center
Center d'apprentissage et de perfectionnement à la sécurité incendie :
Product advantages :
- A unique space and a wide choice of training courses,
- Real-life practical exercises,
- Limited financial and environmental impact.
- Accessibility for PMR-PFR awarded the EXPOPROTECTION 2014 innovation trophy.
Lightweight mobile unit
Turnkey formula:
A practical area where learners can put themselves in a fire situation, and a comfortable amphitheater classroom accessible to all.
Product advantages :
- Unique, modular training area for all 3 types of fire,
- Up to 48 learners per day,
- Small footprint and low environmental impact,
- Accessibility for PMR-PFR wins EXPOPROTECTION 2014 innovation trophy
Regulatory context
Environment Code
Back Following Code de l'environnement I.C.P.E.Art. L512-1: "Installations presenting serious dangers or inconveniences for the interests referred to in article L511-1 are subject to prefectoral authorization. Art. L512-8: "Installations which do not present a serious danger or inconvenience for the interests referred to in Article L511-1, but which must nevertheless comply with the general requirements laid down by the Prefect, are subject to declaration. Art. L515-41: "The operator shall draw up an internal operations plan to contain and control incidents in order to minimize their effects and limit damage to public health, the environment and property; [...]."
APSAD rules
"Evacuation, bringing occupants to safety (evacuation, confinement, etc.) is the priority objective in terms of fire safety.
Code de la construction et de l'habitation
"Decrees may require owners, builders and operators of buildings and establishments open to the public to take safety and security measures, as well as evacuation and fire-fighting measures. These measures must take into account the particular needs of disabled people or those with reduced mobility."
Labor Code
"The employer shall take the necessary measures to ensure the safety and protect the physical and mental health of workers. These measures include :