- Labor Code
Art. L4121-1:
"The employer shall take the necessary measures to ensure the safety and protect the physical and mental health of workers. These measures include:
1. Actions to prevent occupational risks,
2. Information and training,
3. The introduction of appropriate organization and resources,
The employer ensures that these measures are adapted to take account of changing circumstances and aim to improve existing situations, a general obligation to provide information and training."
Art. L4141-1:
"The employer organizes and provides information to workers on health and safety risks and the measures taken to remedy them. He shall also organize and provide information to workers on the risks to public health or the environment posed by the products or manufacturing processes used or implemented by the establishment, and on the measures taken to remedy such risks."
Art. R4141-11:
"Safety training relating to conditions of movement of persons shall be provided in the workplace..."
Art. R4224-15:
"A member of staff receives the first-aid training required to give first aid in an emergency in:
1° Each workshop where dangerous work is carried out;
2° Each worksite employing at least twenty workers for more than fifteen days where dangerous work is carried out.
Workers trained in this way may not replace nurses."
Art. R4227-28:
"Heads of establishments must take the necessary measures to ensure that any outbreak of fire can be quickly and effectively tackled in the interests of rescuing workers."
Art. R4227-39:
"Fire safety instructions provide for periodic testing and inspection of equipment, and for drills during which workers are taught to recognize the characteristics of the general alarm signal, to locate and use safe waiting areas or equivalent spaces, to use first-aid equipment, and to perform the various maneuvers required.
These drills and periodic tests take place at least every six months. Their date and any observations to which they may have given rise are recorded in a register kept at the disposal of the Labour Inspectorate."