How do you recognize a permanent pressure extinguisher?

How to recognize a permanent pressure extinguisher?
Continuous pressure extinguishers are commonly used in a variety of environments to fight fires. Recognizing this type of extinguisher is essential if they are to be used correctly in an emergency. Here are the main features that help you identify them.
Characteristics of Permanent Pressure Extinguishers
1. Integrated pressure gauge
One of the most distinctive features of a permanent pressure extinguisher is its built-in pressure gauge. This gauge indicates the extinguisher's internal pressure.
- Needle in Green: When the needle is in the green zone, the extinguisher is correctly pressurized and ready for use.
- Needle in the Red Zone: If the needle is in the red zone, the extinguisher may be under- or over-pressurized and in need of maintenance.
2. Structure and Appearance
Continuous-pressure extinguishers generally have a simple, identifiable structure.
- Cylindrical body: Like most extinguishers, these have a cylindrical body.
- Material: Often made of steel or aluminum, with a red finish, in compliance with international standards.
- Information label: They have a label indicating the types of fire they can extinguish (class A, B, C) and instructions for use.
3. Trigger device
Continuous-pressure extinguishers have a release mechanism built into the handle.
- Handle and trigger: The handle has a trigger that the user must squeeze to release the extinguishing agent.
- Safety pin: These are fitted with a safety pin to prevent accidental release.