Environment Code

Back Following Code de l'environnement I.C.P.E.Art. L512-1: "Installations presenting serious dangers or inconveniences for the interests referred to in article L511-1 are subject to prefectoral authorization. Art. L512-8: "Installations which do not present a serious danger or inconvenience for the interests referred to in Article L511-1, but which must nevertheless comply with the general requirements laid down by the Prefect, are subject to declaration. Art. L515-41: "The operator shall draw up an internal operations plan to contain and control incidents in order to minimize their effects and limit damage to public health, the environment and property; [...]."
APSAD rules

"Evacuation, bringing occupants to safety (evacuation, confinement, etc.) is the priority objective in terms of fire safety.
Code de la construction et de l'habitation

"Decrees may require owners, builders and operators of buildings and establishments open to the public to take safety and security measures, as well as evacuation and fire-fighting measures. These measures must take into account the particular needs of disabled people or those with reduced mobility."
Labor Code

"The employer shall take the necessary measures to ensure the safety and protect the physical and mental health of workers. These measures include :